TFAH Strategic Plan 2023 – 2026

“Our research, policy, advocacy, and organizational development efforts will lead to…”

Strategic Priority 1:  A strong, resilient, trusted, and equitable public health system that addresses our nation’s public health opportunities and challenges.

Objective 1.1:  Synthesize and disseminate evidence to drive action among federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial policymakers.

Objective 1.2:  Raise awareness of the importance of an effective, evidence-based, and equitable public health system among policymakers, the media, and the public.

Objective 1.3:  Advance a non-partisan federal agenda with Congress, the White House, and federal agencies to enact policies, funding, programs, and practices that prioritize public health and prevention.

Objective 1.4:  Lead and participate in multisector coalitions and strategic partnerships to garner support for key advances in health policy.

Objective 1.5:  Strengthen public health foundational capabilities, including communications and health equity.

Strategic Priority 2:  Innovation that drives systemic change to promote and protect health and well-being for all.

 Objective 2.1: Identify and incubate policy ideas.

Objective 2.2: Lead and engage in convenings, coalitions, and strategic partnerships.

Objective 2.3:  Support learning and action collaboratives and networks on key health issues.


Strategic Priority 3:  The advancement of health equity in public health and prevention.

Objective 3.1:  Center health equity in all TFAH work products.

Objective 3.2:  Advance and advocate for health equity policies and initiatives that address the root causes of health disparities.

Objective 3.3:  Advance racial equity by acknowledging and addressing structural racism and its impact on health and well-being.

Objective 3.4:  Enhance the capacity and competency of staff and our partners to develop, discuss, and promote strategies to advance health equity.

Objective 3.5:  Contribute to the evidence base on operationalizing health equity in policies, programs, and practices.

Strategic Priority 4:  A dynamic, sought-after, people-centered organization that is thriving.

Objective 4.1:  Advance TFAH as a learning organization.

Objective 4.2:  Grow TFAH’s influence as a thought leader and elevate the profile of TFAH.

Objective 4.3:  Center equity in the operational, governing, and management functions of the organization.

Objective 4.4:  Foster a high level of employee satisfaction and retention.

Objective 4.5:  Enhance internal business systems.

Objective 4.6:  Cultivate a diverse portfolio of funders.