Statement for the record by TFAH President & CEO J. Nadine Gracia for House Energy & Commerce Health Subcommittee Hearing on Legislative Solutions to Bolster Preparedness and Response for All Hazards and Public Health Security Threats
Written Statement of Dr. J. Nadine Gracia to Senate LHHS Subcommittee on FY24 Appropriations (May 2023)
Written Statement of Dr. J. Nadine Gracia to House LHHS Subcommittee on FY24 Appropriations (March 2023)
Dr. J. Nadine Gracia written testimony before the House Energy & Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight & Investigations: A Shot at Normalcy: Building Confidence in a COVID-19 Vaccine. (May 2021)
Written Statement for House Ways and Means Committee Hearing on COVID-19 and Communities of Color (May 2020)
Outside Witness Testimony of John Auerbach to Senate Labor HHS Appropriations Subcommittee (May 2020)