Board of Directors
Robert T. Harris, M.D., FACP
Dr. Harris currently serves as senior medical director for General Dynamics Information Technology, in its consulting management contract with North Carolina Medicaid operations. He brings to the TFAH board many years’ experience in clinical medicine as a primary care physician, in academic medicine as clinical faculty at Duke University School of Medicine, and administrative medicine having served in senior executive positions with several health insurance companies. Most recently, he was Chief Medical Officer and Senior Vice President of Healthcare with Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina, where he launched nationally acclaimed initiatives addressing obesity/childhood obesity, coverage for bariatric surgery, smoking/second hand smoke, immunization promotion, and affordable outpatient drugs with no-copay generics. Dr. Harris is a Fellow of the American College of Physicians and a Fellow of the American College of Physician Executives. In addition to serving on the TFAH Board he has served on the board of a privately held clinical laboratory company. Currently, he serves on the board of the Duke Alumni Association (Triangle Region) and on the board of a community theatre in Raleigh, NC.
Dr. Harris is a graduate of Duke University (BS), Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health (MHS), and Emory University School of Medicine (MD). He also completed a year of theological study at Yale University Divinity School.