Prevention and Public Health Fund Detailed Information

The Prevention Fund will provide almost $1 billion this year to CDC and other federal health agencies, most of which goes toward prevention grants to states, counties and cities, non-profit health-oriented groups and tribal organizations. Without the Fund, current efforts to prevent infectious diseases and chronic illnesses would be crippled.

The Prevention and Public Health Fund (PPHF), established by the Affordable Care Act (ACA), provides almost $1 billion to CDC, which supports prevention grants to states, counties and cities, non-profit health-oriented groups and tribal organizations throughout the USA. Without the Fund, current efforts to prevent infectious diseases, such as influenza and measles, and chronic illnesses, such as diabetes and heart disease, would be crippled.

This would lead to higher healthcare costs and needless suffering.


With challenges to the ACA active in the courts, the future of the PPHF is in jeopardy

TFAH, along with our partners, have launched an effort to highlight the critically important work that PPHF supports.  Featured below are a series of materials showcasing PPHF investments at both the federal and state level.


Critical work supported by PPHF

Among the materials are an overview of the PPHF, one-pagers listing state-specific PPHF funding, and sign-on letters in support of the PPHF supported by over 500 national and state organizations.

Additional Resources

Letter from 170+ Organizations to House Leadership Opposing Prevention Fund Cuts (February 2024)


Prevention and Public Health Fund Backgrounder


Prevention and Public Health Fund State Fact Sheets

Learn More

Prevention Fund Supporters List


Prevention and Public Health Fund Chart FY17-21


Senate Sign-on Letter Opposing the Use of the Prevention and Public Health Fund as an Offset (November 2017)


Trust for America's Health Letter to Senate in Opposition of the Better Care Reconcilliation Act (July 2017)


Sign-on Letter to the President Supporting the Prevention and Public Health Fund
