Taking Action to Promote Health Equity Series: Breaking Out the Box – Innovative Collaborations
• Webinar
This is the third installment of TFAH’s 4-part Web Forum series: Taking Action to Promote Health Equity—Using the Lessons from Cutting-Edge Practices to Improve Health and Well Being.
Ensuring lasting community health and equity calls for innovation, collaboration, and a multifaceted approach that addresses underlying determinants of health, including discrimination and poverty. By adopting strategies that include criminal justice reform, local purchasing, job training, community investment, and other endeavors, W.K. Kellogg-funded organizations are contributing to efforts that create equitable opportunity and better meet broader community needs, priorities, and challenges. Please join us for an engaging Dialogue4Health discussion during which leaders and partners describe why they have taken this approach and how it benefits not just their organizations, but the surrounding areas they serve, and ultimately improves health equity.
This event is recommended for anyone working in public health, advocacy, community-based systems, education, faith-based organizations, hospitals/health systems, insurers, local and state health officials, and housing.